The Origins

  • 3 years ago
the origins of Lune Valley Estates

Waking up in our beautiful little corner of tranquillity. I and Max (cocker spaniel office assistant) start our day with a lovely walk from our home in Halton to the office in Caton. As we meander through the hermitage field behind Woodies, we are normally too early for the sunrise, but the stillness of the early morning and the distant noise of the road is hypnotising and always set me up to be at my best for the day ahead! 

As Lune Valley Estates is only just starting up my days are spent trying to speak to as many people as possible about the agency and what we stand for and offer our clients. So far, most people have been overwhelmingly positive and supportive with a couple of irons already in the fire which I am incredibly grateful for. 

I’ve found the process of starting Lune Valley Estates challenging in so many ways, but we are there now and ready to help the people of the Lune Valley with all things property! It’s such a great feeling because for so many years now I have been helping people all over the northwest but always under someone else’s banner, now it’s time for things to be done in the way I think they should be done. 

I’d love to speak to anyone in the Lune Valley regarding property no matter the subject – it’s a passion. Feel free to give me or my colleague Ian a call 7 days a week anytime or you are more than welcome to come and see us in our office at Willow Mill in Caton where our office assistant will be more than happy to show you to our sofas for a coffee! 

Thank you for your time!

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