Why Spring 2022 Is The Best Time To Sell

  • 3 years ago
why spring is the best time to sell your home

If you’ve ever sold, bought, or debated selling your home, you’ve probably heard of the ‘Spring Bounce’, when many vendors suddenly decide to put their homes on the market.

This is no coincidence!

Springtime has proven to be the best time to sell your home, and in 2022, there is even more reason than ever to do so.

Here’s a few reasons why you should sell your property in Spring 2022.

Imbalance of supply and demand for homes

Currently, there appears to be a huge imbalance in the supply and the demand for property in the UK. The availability of properties is just half of the amount of people who are looking to buy.
This has resulted in an increase of 10.7% to the average house price in the UK, putting prices at a record high!
For sellers, this means you’re likely to get a much higher price for your home than you might think, due to the nature of the current market.

Remember though! The market will always level out, so don’t delay!

Average Price Changes Closer to Home:

Lancaster – 8.8%
Lancashire – 9.9%
Cumbria – 9.9%
North Yorkshire – 11.5%

(Source: Gov.UK Website)

Motivated House-Hunters

As the spring rolls in, buyers are much more likely to actively go out seeking a new property.

The mild weather means going sign-spotting seems much more appealing, and booking viewings, after trawling through Rightmove for most of the winter, seems much less of a task.
This results in more buyers, and as outlined above; More buyers = Higher demand = Higher prices, therefore you’re much more likely to sell your home for (or over!) asking price during the upcoming period.

Better Light Conditions

Related to the above point, springtime brings much better light to our homes, after a long and dreary winter.
Not only does this inspire the ‘spring clean’ and sudden need for a fresh start in people, but it also means your property will photograph much better than it might’ve over the darker months.
Bright weather also changes everyone’s outlook slightly, meaning buyers may even have a more positive attitude towards the, (shall we say ‘less bright’ elements your home?), than they may have done a few months prior.


Keeping with the topic of photography, springtime can transform our gardens to a completely new level, contributing significantly to the first impression given by your listing.

When your garden is in full bloom, with the mild sunshine and breeze brought by the spring season, it allows buyers to see your property at a fuller potential, and any keen gardeners out there will love to see their potential new project in its full glory.
Photographs filled with eye-catching flowers will give a much better impression of your garden, as well as any quirky features of the property’s green areas in the best possible lighting.

School Catchment

Families looking to purchase a new home, whether it be a need for upsizing due to the birth of an extra member of the family, a relocation, or just the need for a change of scenery, will often do so in spring.

All the above reasons still apply, but families with school-age children have another incentive to buy around this time.
By starting their home-buying journey at this time, they allow plenty of room to be moving into their new property between the end of the current school year, and the beginning of the new school year, in September.

Lune Valley Estates – Spring Offer

Saving the best until last, the Lune Valley Estates Spring Offer makes the spring period an even better time to sell your home! ?
Alongside our normal low fees, (currently at 1%) , fully-inclusive marketing package and 7 days a week availability, we are offering a fabulous Spring Deal if you list with us, or switch to us, this season!

Check out the offer below:

New listings at Lune Valley Estates- £200 cash gift for listing with us AND a free EPC (usually costing you £99!)
Switching to Lune Valley Estates – £250 cash gift for switching to us AND we will cover the cost of any withdrawal fees from your current agent!

(Subject to Terms & Conditions. For more information, check our social media posts here.)

Of course, there are plenty of other factors which contribute to when the best times are to sell your home, but nothing can be predicted in full accuracy. Therefore, it’s definitely best to go with what we know to be true; that springtime listings are proven to produce some of the best outcomes.

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